Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Order a Meat Bundle  HERE 

Meanwhile, Back at the Farm

With our PPP (Personal Protection Plan) woven through our operational systems, we are continuing about the business of growing good food. John seems to be pretty much on schedule with spring planting. The lambs are hilarious to watch running and jumping and racing each other around the shade wagon. The pigs are enjoying all the […]

Springtime Seed Starting

Mac’s story this week is the last one he wrote before Covid-19 came to town. While you’re healthy at home, we’ll diverge from the conversation at hand for a bit and show you around the farm. When movement restrictions are eased, we look forward to having you out to see for yourself. The Seed Room […]

Taking the Long View: CSA Week 4

May 22-25, 2017 As farmers, our job is to covert solar energy into human nutrition. Cellular-level photosynthesis is where the action is. Plants harvest and store this solar energy in many forms: Some store their energy in the soil, others store it in tasty fruit, or roots or seeds. Our system of managing the plants […]

Mac’s Organic Evolution: CSA Week 3

May 15-18, 2017 When a bewildered-looking 3-year old looks up at you and asks, “Daddy, why did you spray poison on our food?” it makes you think. When you are trudging along a pond dam with a tank of toxic herbicide sloshing around on your back, spraying invasive thistle weeds, and fish “accidentally” die off, […]