Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Sign up for Fall Season CSA 2024 (Oct-Dec)

Summer’s Best Fruit

If farming could be summed up in three simple words it would be community over competition. Good and bad, unpredictability is the name of the game and because of that we love partnering with other organic producers who can fill in the gaps when certain things aren’t in season for us yet.  This year we’ve […]

Get a Taste of CSA This Summer

Over the years of developing and growing our CSA program and welcoming back returning shareholders we sometimes forget to consider the perspective of someone brand new to CSA who may have many questions before agreeing to sign up. And, frankly, it’s understandable – it can be hard to picture what exactly CSA looks like if […]

Mixed Berry Cobbler

Celebrate summer and berry season with this delicious and low fuss mixed berry cobbler. Great for parties and potlucks! FILLING INGREDIENTS 6 cups fresh berries of your choice. We like mixing blueberries, raspberries and blackberries ½ cup sugar 1.5 tbsp cornstarch 1 tsp lemon juice TOPPING INGREDIENTS 1 cup all purpose flour 4 tbsp sugar […]

Restocked: Our 100% Organic, Pasture Raised Meat

We’re pretty passionate about our organic, pasture-raised meat from the way it tastes to the way its raised. At the heart of this is our rotational grazing program, which we implement for all of our livestock. The overall goal of rotational grazing is to avoid sequestering livestock to one pasture to graze which leads to […]