Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Sign up for “A Taste of CSA” 4-week trial

Elmwood Stock Farm Tour, Part 1

Walking to the high tunnels and baby greens field this morning, my thoughts turned to what I would be interpreting had there been a tour group in tow. A scheduled Elmwood Stock Farm tour takes about two hours. We will see how many words it takes on a screen. Several chapters over the next few […]

Corn, Sweet Corn

Happy first day of organic Elmwood Stock Farm sweet corn! This is a celebration on the farm each year because sweet corn season is short and, oh, so sweet. Thursday’s CSA shareholders are the first to receive corn, and we hope to have enough to share with our wider customer audience in the coming weeks. […]

Meet Our Wooly Mammals

Shearing sheep is a lost art, mostly because it is hard work. Over the last 20 years, we have been dependent on these craftsmen (every one I’ve ever met were men) to come to the farm with their specialized tools to remove the wool from our animals in an efficient manner. I have personally shorn […]

The Sounds of Nature

COVID-19 gave me something I thought I’d never witness while standing on Elmwood Stock Farm: the sounds of nature, no man-made noise of any kind. With the sound of commerce coming to a halt a few months ago, I had the unimaginable opportunity to hear the hum of insects, cows ruminating, songbirds awakening with first […]

Natural Cohabitation

Just outside the front door of our little on-farm store is a barn swallow nest. The location comes with much consternation to the breeding pair, even though they picked the spot. People come and go in that space throughout the day, their heads bobbing a couple of feet below the birds’ adobe home. We are […]