Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Sign up for “A Taste of CSA” 4-week trial

The Potential is Palatable

Slipping into the greenhouse these days, you will be rewarded with a quilt of colors, textures and aromas. Let’s look at what’s in store for the start of another growing season.

Decadent 12-Egg Pound Cake

Organic, pasture-raised eggs are a nutritious food choice with more vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids than conventionally produced eggs. Just because they’re healthful doesn’t mean they can’t be decadent. Try this 12-Egg Pound Cake recipe using Elmwood Stock Farm’s organic, pasture-raised eggs! It’s a classic family favorite dessert, perfect for when our pasture-raised hens are producing extra eggs in the springtime.

The New Way to CSA: A Look Back

Nowadays, we tuck shareholder-customized shares—packing lists generated for us by computer—into cabbage boxes and neatly stack them in air-conditioned delivery vans. We offer our thanks to the early adopters of Elmwood Stock Farm’s CSA Farm Share subscription model for sticking with us while we adapted to better systems for everybody.

The Soil & the Stars & the Spring Equinox

We are looking forward to the spring equinox on Saturday, when the earth tilts enough for the sun to be coming our way again. With it will come more chances to grow more vegetables, in due time.

Time for Lambing, Chicks & Turkey Eggs

February went out like a lion and March came in like a lamb—not the normal way of saying this analogy, and we don’t yet know how it is going to finish. While the weather timeline skews early this year, the saying is still most apropos. Lambs will indeed be coming soon, so we are all […]

Workplace CSA Programs

Bring the Farm to Your Workplace As a local foods eater, you ‘get it’—the amazing flavors of the food, the convenience of selecting the foods you prefer online, and the delivery to your home or selected location. And this wholesome, organic food is good for you. What’s not to get, right? Those of you who […]