Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Sign up for Fall Season CSA 2024 (Oct-Dec)

Summer’s Best Fruit

If farming could be summed up in three simple words it would be community over competition. Good and bad, unpredictability is the name of the game and because of that we love partnering with other organic producers who can fill in the gaps when certain things aren’t in season for us yet. 

This year we’ve tapped into our network across the country to bring you summer’s absolute best fruit including organic peaches, cherries and watermelon. Remember, all are available here at our farm store and in more limited quantities at the farmers market after CSA members get first pick!

Plucked fresh from the Colorado high country just for us, we look forward to these fresh and delicious 100% organic peaches every summer. Make them into a pie, blend into a smoothie, chop up into a salsa or enjoy them like we do – by themselves, eaten over a sink to catch the juices.


From one of the cherry capitals in Colorado, these organic bing cherries are super sweet and juicy with just a hint of tartness. We love them mixed into a fruit salad but they make for great cobblers too. 


Sugar baby watermelons are hands down our favorite variety because of their deep red, sweet flesh and pleasantly firm texture. Plus they fit perfectly into the fridge! Slice up and enjoy – they go quick at summer parties!

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