Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Sign up for “A Taste of CSA” 4-week trial

Come and Celebrate July 4th With Us!

Summertime on the farm is always extra special. The warm, sunny days and deep blue skies contrast so nicely with the deep green pastures and fields filled to the brim with freshly grown goodies ready to be harvested and enjoyed. So to really ring in the summer we’re inviting you to come and celebrate 4th […]

Our New Recipe Page Is Here

Over the years we’ve gotten many requests from you for suggestions with what to cook with ingredients you receive in your CSA share, purchases you’ve made from us at the farmers market and more. Other folks have mentioned to us that they have a hard time understanding how to cook with certain, sometimes less common, […]

Feed Your Curiosity at Our 2024 Farm Tours

One of the biggest highlights of our spring and summer seasons is getting to host farm tours. Getting the opportunity to connect our customers with their food, and with us, on a deep and meaningful level is at the backbone of all that we do and we love getting to educate the community on our […]

U-Pick Now Open!

Part of what we pride ourselves on here at Elmwood Stock Farm is giving our food and farm family the chance to fully experience the farm on all levels which is why we’re so excited to announce that U-Pick is now open here on the farm for the very first time! Currently a variety of […]

The 2023 Farm Tour Schedule Is Here

Hands down our very favorite thing about farming is getting the opportunity to connect our customers with their food on a deep and meaningful level. It’s at the backbone of all that we do and we love getting to educate the community on our regenerative and organic farming practices each year as part of our […]

The Farm Store Got a Facelift!

This past year we embarked on a much-needed renovation of the farm store and we’re excited to reveal that it’s finally done!  Since 2017, the farm store has served as a gathering place for visitors to the farm and the community to shop for in-season produce, meat, and pantry items, as well as enjoy farm […]

Twenty Years In: Celebrating a new brand and a new website

We packed to the brim the maroon bread truck on that bright, sunny September Friday afternoon some 20-plus years ago, ready for a big day at the farmers market on Vine Street the next morning. And it was a big day—of raining cats and dogs; we brought most of the vegetables home. In those days, […]

CSA signups are OPEN!

CSA Signups are now open! If you are interested in becoming a member, click here to find out more.