Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Sign up for “A Taste of CSA” 4-week trial

Meet Ann!

We love getting to share with you about how your food is grown and raised but we figured we’d also share a bit more about the people who behind it all – our team!

First up is Ann Stone, one of our farm managers! Along with her sibling John Bell, she grew up at Elmwood Stock Farm and farmed with her parents Cecil and Kay Bell. We sat down with her to learn more about her varied roles on the farm, what she loves most about working here and more:

What kinds of jobs do you do on the farm?
I have done a wide variety of things on the farm. Currently I head up Sales and Marketing and am transitioning Operations over to someone else. This means that during a week I may be walking the fields to see what vegetables are ready for harvest for CSA shares, setting up at a farmers market on the weekend, posting on Instagram or Facebook, working on a cut sheet for our butcher, corresponding with employers who offer workplace veggie vouchers or chefs or customers, reviewing sales reports, or developing new products.
What do you love most about working on the farm?
Farming is definitely an entrepreneurial occupation as you have to know a little bit about a lot of things. There is always more to learn! Additionally, it’s awesome to be able to be outdoors, and perform tasks that contribute to supplying our community with good food – one of the essentials of life.
What’s your favorite farm meal?
I’m a fan of using kale with nuts, cranberries, & parmesan to make kale salad. I could eat it every day!
What’s one thing you want people to know about Elmwood Stock Farm?
Our whole team works hard to provide our community the best food in the world! We are always learning more about how to best manage soil, animals, and crops to provide wholesome and nutritious farm foods. We have a few benchmarks such as animals being out on pasture full time, cattle and sheep are only grass-fed and finished, only certified organic production methods, and sustainability for our family, our team, our farming system, and the natural environment. We see a well-farmed landscape and are proud to share it with our community!
What’s your favorite Elmwood product?
Heirloom tomatoes are a definite favorite as they have a relatively short season (only a few months) and the ones you find in the grocery store just don’t taste the same as freshly picked! I also love slow-cooked Angus/Wagyu beef short ribs, they’re so tender and flavorful they fall off the bone.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I’m a big reader, I love to try new foods (or old foods in new ways), I enjoy spending time outdoors helping to care for the animals, or weeding or harvesting our crops. Those jobs are fun for me now since I don’t have to do them everyday!

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