Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Sign up for “A Taste of CSA” 4-week trial

Meet Bethany!

We love getting to share with you about how your food is grown and raised but we figured we’d also share a bit more about the people who are behind it all – our team!

Next in our series is Bethany! Before coming to work here at Elmwood she worked at the University of Kentucky’s South Farm and volunteered at other CSA farms gaining experience and a love for sustainable farming which she brings to her work as vegetable production manager, helping get produce planted and eventually harvested for our CSA members and farmers markets. 

We sat down with Bethany to learn more about her varied roles on the farm, her hobbies outside of work and more:

What kinds of jobs do you do on the farm?
The jobs I do vary greatly depending on the time of year. In the winter I typically plan out the next year, purchase seeds, start transplants for the spring, graft tomatoes, and finish up chores that are better suited for when the season is not busy. 
The spring is a very busy time for us as I am prepping the ground, seeding, and transplanting the crops that will be distributed for Summer CSA and farmers markets. 
In the summer, I’m taking care of the crops we have in the ground; cultivating, pest/environmental management, equipment maintenance, and communicating to the crew what is available for harvest. 
In the fall I continue to take care of existing crops, and begin the process of prepping winter tunnels and crops that will be grown for the off-season. 
What do you love most about working on the farm?
Being able to connect my community to their food and the land. It brings me so much joy to begin the process of planting a small seed in healthy soil and then harvesting a crop, knowing that the produce is going to feed families and connect them on a deeper level to the earth. 
What’s your favorite farm meal?
Throw-it-all-in-the-pot soup! I love getting creative with the veggies I bring home and making a one pot soup. It comes out a bit different every time, but it’s always nutritious and delicious especially paired up with my butternut squash buns recipe (passed on through several generations). 
What’s one thing you want people to know about Elmwood Stock Farm?
We take many more steps beyond what is required under the organic certification label to be sustainable and a steward of the land we farm. I greatly encourage you to do a farm tour and/or research our process, as it’s making great strides towards the efforts of fostering a healthy ecosystem. 
What’s your favorite Elmwood product?
As the vegetable production manager, I’m certainly biased for our veggies! One thing I always put in my own share, when it’s available, is okra! Otherwise, the ketchup is a pantry product I always have on hand. It’s high quality and has a delicious, complex flavor. I put it on nearly everything, except ice cream!
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I adore my two kids and we have many adventures together. I also enjoy various artistic endeavors, such as stained glass, pottery, painting, and making music. I’m an enthusiastic nature lover and have fun hiking, kayaking, and camping.

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