Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Sign up for “A Taste of CSA” 4-week trial

Meet Jessica!

We love getting to share with you about how your food is grown and raised but we figured we’d also share a bit more about the people who are behind it all – our team!

Next in our series is Jessica! If you have ever signed up for a Flower Share with your CSA or purchased a bouquet at the farmers market or the farm store, you have seen what Jessica, our flower farmer, puts her heart and soul into at Elmwood! Jessica has been involved with agriculture in many ways. She has a degree from the University of Kentucky in Sustainable Agriculture, she helped to build multiple community gardens in Lexington, and helped to create a therapeutic horticulture program at a local domestic violence shelter in rural Lexington that invites its residents to participate in the production of flowers and veggies.

We sat down with Jessica to learn more about her varied roles on the farm, her hobbies outside of work and more:

What kinds of jobs do you do on the farm?
I spend most of my time harvesting buckets of flowers, maintaining flower beds and making bouquets during CSA season. During the cooler months, I spend a lot of time planning, sowing seeds and taking care of overwintered plants in the high tunnel.
What do you love most about working on the farm?
I love being part of a team of great humans, doing good work for our community, our local economy and our planet. But really, I LOVE the food!
What’s your favorite farm meal?
Farm Chef Eileen’s cornbread! And everything else she (and Chef Sarah) makes.
What’s one thing you want people to know about Elmwood Stock Farm?
I’ve been in the local farm community for more than 20 years and the people at Elmwood walk their talk. They are serious about sustainable, organic production, regenerative agriculture and maintaining a whole farm ecosystem.  The commitment to excellence in all of their products is clear and intentional and deeply valuable. 
What’s your favorite Elmwood product?
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I spend a lot of time studying and practicing astrology, reading, crafting, getting into forests or bodies of water, connecting with folks I love and seeing live music.

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