Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Sign up for Fall Season CSA 2024 (Oct-Dec)

Restocked: Our 100% Organic, Pasture Raised Meat

We’re pretty passionate about our organic, pasture-raised meat from the way it tastes to the way its raised. At the heart of this is our rotational grazing program, which we implement for all of our livestock.

The overall goal of rotational grazing is to avoid sequestering livestock to one pasture to graze which leads to more exposure to parasites and a greater increase in soil disturbance. For example, our cattle are rotated across hundreds of acres of pastures for more than 850 days, as opposed to remaining in just one section. As they graze on grass they also keep the weeds in check, while the nutrients in the soil that are being depleted get replenished in the form of manure, which helps more grass to grow. Each pasture is also given adequate time to rest after being grazed to allow local ecosystems to continue to flourish and for picked through pastures to revitalize for future grazing. Just like growing fruits and vegetables regeneratively, rotational grazing is more labor intensive but you can really taste the difference in the meat.

Meat coming from animals raised exclusively on pasture and raised regeneratively this way have been shown to have lower saturated fats and higher levels of vitamins, protein and collagen.

If you’ve been waiting to try our pasture-raised meat, you’re in luck! We are now fully restocked on all cuts of our beef, chicken, pork, lamb and turkey. Learn more about and shop each of our offerings below:

Our herd genetics have been perfected over many years to achieve the absolute best in flavor and texture in our beef. Coupled with a diet of strictly grass and hay produced on our farm (never grain) and dry aging on each and every cut, this is great-tasting food with integrity. 

Have you tried our ancestral blend ground beef? Organic organ meat is incorporated into our delicious dry aged ground beef to give you a more nutrient dense option that doesn’t compromise on flavor!

With plenty of opportunity to peck and forage across fresh pasture each day, our chickens are also given wholesome, organic grain to enrich their natural diet.

Our chicken wings are ready for summer grilling and go great with all your favorite BBQ and hot sauces.

A cornerstone of our rotational grazing system, our Berkshire pigs love to express their natural piggy behavior while enjoying forages from our pastures and dirt as well as a supplement of organic grains and minerals.

Marbled and incredibly juicy, our bone-in pork chops are irresistible no matter how you choose to prepare them. Great for busy weeknight cooking!

We’re proud to be able to provide delicious American lamb, raised the natural way on forage from our farm without the use of antibiotics, steroids or hormones. You can really taste the difference!

Sirloin chops make for an elevated yet surprisingly easy to throw together meal especially when slow roasted.

We love to enjoy turkey all year round, not just at the holidays, and once you try ours you’ll understand why. Our flagship heritage breed turkeys, along with our broad-breasted variety, are fed our homegrown forage and supplemented with wholesome, non GMO grains, all right on our pastures where they can really show off their turkey tendencies. It gives new meaning to the term free range!

Turkey sausage is one of our very favorite things to enjoy at breakfast time but this hot turkey breakfast sausage is also great when it’s made into slider patties, put on pizza or added to spaghetti sauce. The possibilities are endless!

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