Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Sign up for Fall Season CSA 2024 (Oct-Dec)

Our Pasture’s Superpower

Many folks are surprised to learn that even though our livestock are 100% grass-fed, we do feed hay and wonder how that fits in with our operation. Simply put, hay is made up of the grasses and/or legumes that are cut down from pastures, left to dry and then compacted into what are called bales. […]

Curry Chicken Salad

A picnic staple, this version amps up the flavor with the addition of curry powder. INGREDIENTS 3 cups cooked Elmwood Stock Farm chicken, chopped into bite-sized chunks ½ cup mayonnaise 2 celery stalks, finely diced 2.5 tsp curry powder 1 tsp Elmwood Stock Farm honey 1 tbsp lemon juice 1.5 tsp dijon mustard Salt and […]

Meet Our Partners

Building a sustainable food system is at the heart of the work we do here at our farm but it’s not something we can do alone. That’s why we’re so fortunate to have connected with other food producers, some near and some a bit further afield, who share our mission and have been so generous […]

Strawberries Are Finally in Season!

You may have heard the news – because we’ve been shouting it from the rooftops – but strawberries are here and boy are they plentiful! When we think of spring, we think of strawberries. They’re one of the very first things we started growing here on our farm and we take a lot of pride […]

Why You Should Join Our Summer CSA

Summer is both figuratively and literally one of our sweetest seasons. The days are longer, warmer, and all of our favorites are in full abundance. We feel lucky that we get to share our plentiful summer produce with you in so many ways including at our farm store and the farmers market but the absolute […]