Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Sign up for “A Taste of CSA” 4-week trial

Benefits of CSA

CSA share

Benefits of becoming a CSA shareholder with Elmwood Stock Farm range from nutritional to relational. Here is our top 8 list of CSA benefits:

Choose Your Items

Tell us what you want in your CSA share each week! Check your online account to see what’s planned for your share before we harvest and pack it. Swap items, remove those that might not be a favorite, or add extra veggies, meats, eggs and pantry items! You can even opt to receive less one week and more the next, as your needs change.

Roll Over the Value of Your Share

Be flexible with your schedule! Pause your CSA share in advance through your online account. You can go on vacation or take a break during a particularly hectic week at home. Roll over up to $75 in account credit. 

If you forget to pause your delivery and cannot pickup your share, send someone to pick up your share for you, as it is a good way to introduce the CSA Farm Share concept to others. If you forget to collect your share, it will be donated elsewhere.

Pick Up All Over Town

After we harvest, rinse, cool and pack your vegetables, we distribute to more than a dozen locations throughout Central Kentucky, Louisville and Cincinnati, as well as deliver directly to your door. See the list of current pickup sites and delivery options here.

We welcome additional sites, if the demand is there. Gather at least 10 people to commit to pick up their CSA shares at your location. Please contact us before the start of the season to discuss this option.

Experience Seasonal Eating

You get to experience seasonal eating with the highest nutrition. You’ll get to know and appreciate the seasonal nature of eating local, freshly harvested produce. This means you’ll receive the freshest food possible, and it also means that once the spring peas or sweet corn are gone, they won’t be back again until next year! You’ll savor every bite even more.

Our farm grows more than 70 different crops. While this includes a few ornamental items, the vast majority is food, ensuring many new CSA shareholders will have a chance to try something new.

See the vegetable availability chart for what you can expect to find each season.

Eat Organic & Local from Our Family Farm

Elmwood Stock Farm meets the standards of organic certification, so you can be assured your farm food is healthy, safe, nutritious and wholesome—and that it is raised on a sixth-generation Kentucky farm near to your home. All items in your share come only from Elmwood Stock Farm, no matter the season. You do not have to choose between eating “local” and eating “organic,” as your CSA Farm Share membership ensures you get both!

A CSA Farm Share is a unique relationship—nowadays, many people do not know what country or state their food comes from, let alone the farmer who picked their tomatoes. By joining Elmwood Stock Farm’s CSA Farm Share, you express your support for healthful, wholesome food, locally grown with care.

You have the satisfaction of supporting a local, family owned farm. There aren’t many farms like this left in our area. Please read more about the farm and our organic practices so you can understand what this way of life means to us as farmers and community members.

Ensure Your Food Source

All Elmwood Stock Farm options are offered to our CSA Farm Share members before sales are opened to the general public. Also, whether you choose a vegetable-only CSA share or a share with meat and eggs, you have first option to purchase additional vegetables, meats, flowers and eggs each week. We honor commitment to produce food for our CSA Farm Share members first, regardless of what is happening at the grocery store and elsewhere in our fragile food system.

Learn About Your Food

Each week, your CSA share includes a newsletter with food storage tips, recipes, crop news and other items of interest. Members tell us it is an important component of their farm share. Choose to receive a paper copy or digital only.

Enjoy Special Events

Special events are not being held at this time, as our first priority is to produce safe, wholesome food for our community. For years, special events at the farm have introduced folks to the workings of our family farm, and we so look forward to welcoming our CSA shareholders, in particular, back again soon.