Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Sign up for “A Taste of CSA” 4-week trial

Happy CSA Week!

CSA week is here again! Our CSA program has been going strong for 20+ years now and we’re incredibly grateful for our shareholders each and every day.

From forty-five members the first year to the many hundreds today, our shareholders’ monetary contributions help us plan ahead for the coming harvest and allow us to grow our regenerative organic farming system that provides them with the best farm fresh food in the world. We love getting to share each season’s best with them every week and our mutual support makes up the backbone of what Community Supported Agriculture is all about. 

We also make sure to reward our shareholders with lots of meaningful perks, including:

Customizable shares each week

Swap items out, secure your favorites, or add extra veggies, meats, eggs, fruit, fish, bread, flowers, and pantry items – the choice is yours!

Ability to roll over the value of your share

Going out of town? Need to take a break for a week? You can pause your CSA share in advance through your online portal and roll over up to $75 in account credit.

Flexible pickup + delivery

We distribute to several locations throughout Central Kentucky, Louisville and Cincinnati. We can also deliver to your door if you live within one of our delivery regions. Check out the up to date list of pickup and delivery sites here

The experience of true seasonal eating

By becoming a CSA member you’ll get to enjoy local, freshly harvested produce, right when it’s in season – and sometimes through its various stages of development. 

Organic eating straight from your local farm

Our sixth-generation Kentucky farm is proud to meet the standards of organic certification on all of our offerings, so you can be assured that as a CSA member you’ll be receiving healthy, safe, nutritious and wholesome food grown with care while supporting our local, family owned farm.

First pick of all our offerings

We always give our CSA members priority before our vegetables, meats and eggs are offered to the general public. Even if you choose a vegetable-only share, you’ll have first pick to purchase any additional vegetables, meats and eggs each week.

CSA exclusives

Each week you’ll receive a CSA member-only email newsletter with food storage tips, recipes, crop news and other items of interest.

Special events

You’ll get first shot at purchasing tickets to any on-farm events we hold, like our farm tours and farm to table dinners.


If you’ve never been a part of CSA before it can feel a little confusing knowing if it’s right for you or exactly how it works.

If you…

  • Cook at home often
  • Like trying new foods
  • Are in town for most of the season (you can pause your share for a short vacation or work trip)
  • Are interested in supporting small-scale, local farmers and a vibrant local-food economy
  • Want to ensure your access to healthful, wholesome food throughout the season


…then CSA may be a good match for you!

We are proud to offer Summer, Fall and Winter/Spring shares, thanks to our season-extending growing techniques. At the beginning of the Summer CSA season, there is a focus on salads, cooking greens, strawberries, and spring veggies. Toward the middle of the season, the variety is more bountiful as tomatoes, beans, potatoes, sweet corn, and summer squash come in. By fall, the range of vegetables changes yet again, trending back toward cool-weather crops, such as broccoli, fall squash, sweet potatoes, and root vegetables. Meat and egg access is always available to you first as a CSA shareholder. Flower shares are also available as an add-on for our Summer CSA.

You can learn more and sign up for our Summer 2024 CSA here!

Elmwood Stock Farm CSA Farm Share


Currently, you can sign up for our Summer 2024 CSA which runs from May through October. When signing up, you’ll have just a few steps to complete with several options to choose from:

  1. First, you’ll choose the size of your vegetable share. Mini, regular, and robust sizes are available and all last for 20 weeks.
  2. You will then have the option to add on an egg share at either ½ or 1 dozen eggs per week.
  3. You can then add on your optional meat share. A surprise meat share or choose-your-own meat share is available at regular and family sizes.
  4. Add on your optional flower share.
  5. Choose your pickup or delivery option. Pickup is free, and home delivery cost varies by location.
  6. You’ll complete signup and make a payment to secure your share, then you’ll be set! You’ll start receiving weekly emails and other important communication from us as the farm share gets closer. 

You can learn more and sign up for our Summer 2024 CSA here!

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