Elmwood Stock Farm, Georgetown KY, USA     ||     Sign up for “A Taste of CSA” 4-week trial

Our Farm Store Favorites

Over the past few weeks we’ve had a crop (pun intended) of new visitors to our new-and-improved farm store and are excited to welcome even more as the weather starts to warm up. That’s why we wanted to share our current farm store favorites with you – remember, you’re welcome to stop by and shop […]

Meet Ann!

We love getting to share with you about how your food is grown and raised but we figured we’d also share a bit more about the people who behind it all – our team! First up is Ann Stone, one of our farm managers! Along with her sibling John Bell, she grew up at Elmwood […]

The Benefits of Becoming a CSA Member – And a New Recipe!

One thing we never get sick of sharing with our food and farm family is our love of CSA. By becoming a member not only do you help invest in our farm’s future and assure we can provide delicious and wholesome organic food for generations to come but you also get first pick of our […]